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BPOR Forum Behavior Rules

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BPOR Forum Behavior Rules Empty BPOR Forum Behavior Rules

Post by BPORAdmin Fri Jan 28, 2011 7:01 pm

forum behavior rules


Number of Posts : 164
Forum Position : Admin Tool
Registration : 2010-05-12

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BPOR Forum Behavior Rules Empty Re: BPOR Forum Behavior Rules

Post by BPORAdmin Fri Jan 28, 2011 7:01 pm

General Forum Rules

Once you register the Forum, the first rules you have to have in mind are the following.

  1. Respect others. Do not insult nor make fun of other members or moderators. This will get you respect as well and a certain of not getting a temporary ban or even a permanent ban.

  2. Respect the moderators/ administrators decisions. Sometimes, the reason of the actions they may take may not be very clear to you. If so, please simply send a pm to him or her, asking the motives. Have in mind that the pm must not have bad language or insults. If it does, the punishment is usually a permanent ban.

  3. Do not bug the mods all the time. If you have warned the moderator about something, don't worry, he will pay attention to it in due time. Remember that mods and admins have a life of their own. This includes using the Chatbox to bug them about your stuff.

  4. Avoid double post at all costs. Double posting means spam, and spam makes it more difficult for other members to read the topic properly. Also, avoid making posts smaller than two lines. If you forgot to say something, simply edit your previous post.

  5. Signatures can only have one visible image with the maximum size of 450x150 and can only have a disk size of 150kb. Secondary images can be used with "Spoilers" as long as they do not change the forum natural layout when the spoiler is open, and the size of the images (all images combined) cannot go higher then 250Kb. This is to greatly avoid lag in the forum. People who do not follow this rule will have their signature removed. After the first warning this rule will be threatened as a disrespect to others.

  6. Before posting anything, make sure you are posting it in the right place. The forums have a small description below it's name, and it will probably have a "Rules" topic in it as well. It is better to lose 5 minutes on reading something than loosing an hour looking for a topic for an answer that is either moved, or even erased and avoid a nasty warning. There is also the "Search" option on the top right side of the screen, which can be very useful.

  7. No multi account. Each user should have one and only one account. If you have brothers or sisters using the same computer (or Internet connection) please notify an Admin once you register. Violation on this rule will result on a permanent ban for both accounts with no previous warning.

  8. Do not post in Request topics that aren't yours. The mods will tell the user everything he needs to know and to correct. If you do, it will be considered spam and the suitable punishment will be given to you. If you must help someone (and we encourage you to), send them a pm with the link of the topic and your advice.

  9. NWOTN allows a moderate amount of swearing and foul language both on OCC and IC, although we highly recommend you not to do so, especially if someone asks you not to. This forum believes in freedom of speech, but freedom has a limit and offending someone is far beyond that limit.

  10. Do not under any circumstance involve yourself in violent discussions with subjects like politics\religion\sexual tendencies or any other subject like these, nor even harass someone because of it. Like it was said previously, this forum believes in freedom of speech be it whatever it is. Once again, freedom of speech has a limit and that limit is crossed when your own opinions conflict with the forum's ideas. Racism, xenophobia, homophobia and other things alike aren't encouraged and people with such ideologies are "advised" to leave the forum.

  11. Trading accounts with people you know in real life is not allowed. A person must have a new account and a character of their own from that account. If someone finds out that this has happened, the account will immediately be banned. To further enforce this, old returned members will have to start from scratch if they have lost their old accounts, unless the account has been removed from a state of inactivity (from which would be impossible to have someone using it). Selling accounts is completely out of question and this is not only the forum's policy.

Not abiding by the Rules
Failing to follow these rules will result in punishments given by the Admins of this forum. Actions may involve penalties to your characters, imposed restrictions, removal of privileges and even temporary or permanent account ban.


Number of Posts : 164
Forum Position : Admin Tool
Registration : 2010-05-12

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BPOR Forum Behavior Rules Empty Re: BPOR Forum Behavior Rules

Post by BPORAdmin Fri Jan 28, 2011 7:01 pm

General RPG Rules

The basic RPG rules of the BPOR Forum. Read them carefully.

  1. Typing a one line post is not allowed. There is a word minimum of 100 words when posting anything in an RPG. It might sound too much, but you'll see it is actually easier than it sounds and it will help improve quality and commitment. Use a simple word processor to check your word count. We also recommend you to use Mozilla Firefox as your choice browser.

  2. Make sure it makes sense for you to enter a topic or even if you are allowed. Make sure there is a reason why you've gone somewhere that isn't your character's natural place. It will make things much more convincing to begin with and it will greatly contribute to your character's development because, everything will make sense.

  3. In order to ensure that people follow rule number two, when creating an role play topic, make sure you specify who can join on the topic's tittle with a simple [Private], [Public] or other options such as a determined rank of people, members of something, directed for some people as well as public, etc.

  4. When you leave or attempt to leave a topic, make sure you clearly state it so that other people know you aren't around any more, or try to stop you if they wish to. Simply post [Left topic] or [Left if not Stopped] or even [Attempting to Run] at the end of your role play.

  5. You can only participate in a determined amount of role plays at a time. You can be in one "important topic" like a class\mission or fighting in a war, something that is important and has major importance in your character. Then, you can be in two other RP's, "free topics", which are those simple and random ones that won't have any serious outcome (as in wandering town or making friends or training with your master), as long as you aren't fighting with your life on the line, on which case that will become an important topic. Finally, you can be in one event topic (exams, tournaments, etc), although these count towards something. Also, remember that even if you are on "several places at the same time", its as if they happened on different occasions and not on the same time. It is impossible to keep an RPG forum with real time so this is the best option as an alternative. However, please be careful with rule two.

  6. Do NOT! under any circumstance mixture OCC information with IC information! This is extremely serious and major penalties will be applied to people who do it, not to mention it's completely unrealistic and frustrating for those trying to have a good and fair RP session. Avoid as much as possible to make OCC arrangements of important topics and never act as if your character knows the same as the OCC you does!

  7. Helping people to make a decision regarding their character's path, including original faction and group of people (i.e. Goutei 13, 4th Division) is not a problem. However, when you constantly attempt to recruit people to your own faction just for the sake of numbers, or simply bug someone permanently in order to convince them to follow a path they clearly do not wish to, is a problem. Please have this in mind and remember, the more balance between the factions, the more exciting the RP will ultimately be.

  8. Do not show up on an RP topic to make an "off topic" post. Pm the member if you have to tell him anything about the topic. This also avoids spam.

  9. Make sure your posts are readable. Use correct words instead of abbreviations (except for game terms), and make sure your sentences are well built. Use text editing software to help you and if you're really old school, a dictionary! OCC typos are one thing, but while role playing good grammar is crucial. We do remember, however, that this is supposed to be an international forum, and not everyone has English as their native language. If this is your case, you don't need to panic but please, have in mind that an effort has to be made and that there are tools that may help you to overcome these difficulties.

  10. Avoid sex, nudity and excessive violence as much as possible. Remember that this forum is for people from starting at 12 and up, and the Administration doesn't want angry parents on their children's accounts "SCREAMING" on the chat-box to one of our Admins, nor restricting them from frequenting the forum, even though we can't really be responsible for it. Fade away from sexual details both of actions and body description and don't describe details of a torturing or attack with too much enthusiasm. For things like that, simply use PM's to do so and engage in much more detailed RPs in private rooms.

  11. Better role players will have benefits against worse role players. The better you do it the more chances you have the Admins will favor you in a determined situation. If something like a person responding with a simplistic situation to a carefully built post happens, expect Admin interference and expect the simplistic person to have some unpleasant penalties (this doesn't mean however, that you should make situations that require dictionaries and several readings to fully understand), once again we remind you that there are members of all ages and possibly nationalities.

  12. The Admins will always have the final word on any situation RP wise. If they find a particular situation unfair, regardless of what it is and of the previous rulings, an Admin may attribute a different result to a situation. Remember, the Admin made the rules, not the other way around, so the power chain is by that order.

Not abiding by the Rules
Not following these rules will have penalties in your actions while you role play. An Admin or responsible Mod may, at any time, intervene on the situation and make a decision in his best judgment and be sure there will be little or nothing you can do.


Number of Posts : 164
Forum Position : Admin Tool
Registration : 2010-05-12

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BPOR Forum Behavior Rules Empty Re: BPOR Forum Behavior Rules

Post by BPORAdmin Fri Jan 28, 2011 7:01 pm



Number of Posts : 164
Forum Position : Admin Tool
Registration : 2010-05-12

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